Kaleigh and Jonathan

March 29, 2019


We have selected some photos from the wedding and honeymoon that we want to share with you. Please enjoy them!


Emjay Photography did a beautiful job capturing the wedding. The photos are here, and we're overjoyed to be able to share them all with you!

Photo Booth

We hope you didn't think you'd get to keep this silliness to yourself. Click through to download your favorites, and convert them between animation and photo strip style.


Our honeymoon in Greece was amazing. There was so much to see that we could never possibly capture it all, but here is a selection of some of our favorite photos.


Altogether, our wedding crowdfunded almost $2,000 in charitable contributions for the worthy causes below. We can't thank you enough for your generosity.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is a voluntary health organization established in 1987. It funds research, runs educational programs, advocates for public policies in mental health and suicide prevention, and supports survivors of suicide loss.

Clean Air Task Force

The Clean Air Task Force's mission is to "push the change in technologies and policies needed to get to a zero-emissions, high-energy planet at an affordable cost." They are one of only two recommended climate change impact groups from Founders Pledge.

Puppy Pals Rescue

Puppy Pals has a special place in our hearts, since it was they that first brought Kaleigh together with our beloved Bruiser. They have rescued and adopted out nearly 1,000 dogs in the eleven years of their existence, and we want to help them save more.


We were so excited and pleased to work with the Syndicate to create an all-vegetarian wedding menu, and we think that the results were wonderful. We've had a lot of requests to share some of the recipes, so here they are!

Grilled Portobello Mushrooms With Garlic Sauce

The Syndicate made the mushrooms exactly as the recipe says. We didn't include the garlic cream sauce, but if you're making it at home, we highly recommend it!

Jamaican Jerk Chickpeas and Pineapple Bowl

We modified this with some diced pineapple (add it when you add the tomatoes) and took the substitutions for the more obscure ingredients. We recommend including the avocado for a great added flavor dimension!

Sauteed Butternut Squash with Garlic, Ginger & Spices

We had the Syndicate modify this by adding in some diced potatoes. It added some savory starchiness that we really liked! The preparation is the same.



The Bride


The Groom

We first met in 2015, while appearing together in a community theater production, and quickly became friends. Over time, we've bonded more and more deeply through the many adventures we've shared. We've made so many memories - playing opposite each other in Guys and Dolls, camping in the living room, dragging our pups around Oakley square, Kaleigh's first attempt to fly an airplane. One of our favorites was during our road trip through California, when we climbed down the side of a mountain in Big Sur and it was way more difficult than we expected. At the bottom, we got soaked by the ocean and didn't care. But the most important thing is that through all of these great times, and the hard ones too, we've always been able to understand, support, and take care of each other. That's why we are so excited to keep making more memories and celebrate our life together!

The Wedding Party


Matron of Honor

How long have you known KB?

Almost 3 years.

How did you and KB meet?

We met in Romance land.

What is a favorite memory you have together?

My favorite memory is when I knew we would be bffs forever. You were complaining about how you can never find makeup your color because you are so fair, and I asked if you tried flour. You looked at me for a second and then just started laughing (it's funny because it's true). I knew then we were going to be good friends, little did I know besties (weird how little things just make you know).


Best Man

How long have you known Jon?

Approximately 8400 days 7 hours and 5 minutes.

How did you and Jon meet?

English class. I was playing the guitar. It was love at first stairway.

What is a favorite memory you have together?

So many to choose from. Number 1 was definitely <censored>. Remember that time when we <censored>?! Also at the top was that time when we were chasing each other around the pattern at Green County in a couple of beat up old Cessnas right after we soloed.

Dee Dee

Matron of Honor

How long have you known KB?

23 years

How did you and KB meet?

Tomahawks/2nd grade

What is a favorite memory you have together?

My favorite memories are when we would pretend to be S Club 7 in the basement. I also loved the nights we would stay up and play Guitar Hero! Then there was our Crossroads box we buried somewhere in the backyard, that I’m sure has washed away because we buried it by the creek. I always laugh when I think about drinking milk and it coming out of one of our noses. I’m not even sure who’s nose it came out of but I crack up every time I think of it.


Best Man

How long have you known Jon?

We have been friends for 10 years, or approximately 6 Howards Davis.

How did you and Jon meet?

I believe we met when you were playing a concert in Eden Park, but my first memory of you is playing Celebrity at our apartment and you ran into my bathroom to get a plunger to pantomime Super Mario.

What is a favorite memory you have together?

This is tough, but if pressed I'd say the entire, and on-going, process of us acquiring our Model 6.


Sister of the Bride

How long have you known KB?

26 years. (I win 😉)

How did you and KB meet?

In a hospital when you realized you might have to share the spotlight lol

What is a favorite memory you have together?

Favorite memory? Does you kicking my 2 front teeth out with a soccer ball count? We laugh about it now but that was quite a look I was rocking for a while! 😂 No, probably the hours we’d spend harmonizing and the nights I’d spend with you in Miami watching friends and Will and Grace for hours 😂



How long have you known KB?

Since second grade technically but we became best friends freshman year of high school.

How did you and KB meet?

We were in the same second grade class and then the same theatre class freshman year with our lockers next to each other.

What is a favorite memory you have together?

So many amazing memories together, how do I even pick. Probably any of the millions of nights we’ve spent together watching how to lose a guy and eating cookie dough ice cream. Though our epic icing flour fight in college was a pretty amazing memory that still makes me laugh.



How long have you known KB?

7 years (I think?!) 😂

How did you and KB meet?

Working at Ann Taylor.

What is a favorite memory you have together?

I have so many memories it’s pretty hard to pick!! Honestly most of my favorites are just us hanging out at home together...eating ice cream & fighting to find the Oreos, drinking wine by a fire, rehearsing for legally blonde, watching Will & Grace, & watching you play with my beautiful baby girl ❤️❤️ (I know that’s sort of technically more than one...I’m bad at rules 🙈😂)



How long have you known KB?

Oh yikes like 8 years I think?

How did you and KB meet?

I interviewed you for a position at LA Fitness or more commonly the crappiest place on earth. You just had a spark about you I enjoyed our conversation more than I cared about the job at the time and knew we were going to be soul sisters.

What is a favorite memory you have together?

My favorite memory of us together is a tie between Kai being born and our trip to Pennsylvania. Both times you brought along delicious snacks and an incredible soundtrack. You just know how to make stressed out and goofy the fun and inspiring norm.



How long have you known KB?

2 years.

How did you and KB meet?

We met performing in The Addams Family together.

What is a favorite memory you have together?

One of my favorite memories is of us doing YouTube karaoke and shamelessly singing anything and everything in a total judgement free zone!



How long have you known KB?

We met almost 2 years ago.

How did you and KB meet?

The first time I met you was when I saw you in The Addams Family and Peyton forgot to introduce me. But we really bonded when we were double cast in Guys and Dolls ❤

What is a favorite memory you have together?

My favorite memory is our late night adventure, driving all over Cincinnati trying to find an open tattoo parlor to get your gorgeous tattoo.



How long have you known Jon?

I've known you since 2016 when both KB and Amber were in The Addams Family together.

How did you and Jon meet?

We met through our girlfriends (at the time, now wife and soon-to-be-wife) when they were in The Addams Family together. I believe we actually met at your house which included a fun night of drinking, singing, and video games.

What is a favorite memory you have together?

My favorite memory with you is when you flew Amber and me to Indianapolis for dinner as an early wedding present. Definitely a once in a lifetime experience!



How long have you known Jon?

Since 2015.

How did you and Jon meet?

We first met performing together in Imagine! Mason, and have become great friends while serving on the Finance Committee together at Mason Community Players, playing Sky Masterson in alternating casts of Guys and Dolls for Nativity Players, and grabbing the occasional much needed after work drink.

What is a favorite memory you have together?

My favorite memory with you is performing together at the closing ceremony for the city of Mason's bicentennial because we have rarely performed together over the years. Hopefully we can share the stage again soon!



How long have you known KB?

Goodness... 17 years?!

How did you and KB meet?

We met in middle school and ate fries at lunch daily 😂

What is a favorite memory you have together?

One of my favorite memories is you convincing me to do the talent show at Kheener park and practicing in your basement together. Totally random, but you were so nonjudgmental and encouraging - something you still are to this day!



How long have you known Jon?

I've known you since a short while after you and Kaleigh started dating.

How did you and Jon meet?

I was introduced to you through Kaleigh. I feel like the first time I really got to know you was when we ran into each other at Rhinegeist, though.

What is a favorite memory you have together?

My favorite memory is when you came to visit me in NYC! Seeing shows, eating absurdly large bowls of ice cream, and late-night drinks & chats.


Groomsman In Memoriam
Brother of the Bride


Sister of the Groom

I have known Jon for approximately 35 years. We met when I crushed his dreams of being an only child. When Jon and Kaleigh started dating, I soon knew that Kaleigh would be the sister I never had. My favorite memories with the two of you are singing karaoke together, making family dinners, debating every topic imaginable, and of course being asked to officiate your wedding. I can't wait to help make your special day as beautiful and magical as you both deserve (and hopefully not screw it up!).
